Development Guidelines

The main development repository is available at:

Code Style

This project uses pre commit hooks for auto formatting and static code analysis. To enable pre commit hooks run the following command in a poetry shell.

 pre-commit install

Naming Conventions

Try to follow (pep8)[] and the rest of pep8 to the best of your abilities.

The short summary of pep8 is:

  • Use all lowercase names with underscores for methods/functions/modules/packages.
  • Use CamelCase for Classes and Type Variables
  • Use all upperscore with underscores for constants

Logging / Console Messages

Try to avoid print for doing outputs whenever possible. Use python module (logging)[] instead.

Default logglevel for informational messages should be If you want to be able to have more finegrained control, use a dedicated logger for your module e.g.:

logger = logging.getLogger('datasets.speech')

Testing / CI

Try to provide unit tests for new features, unit tests should be written using pytest. Unit test should be designed to run pretty fast and are run for each push.

Tests marked with `@pytest.mark.integration are only triggered when --integration is given on the pytest commandline. These tests are only run on pushs to the main branch.

Resolving merge conflicts in poetry.lock

If you have changed poetry.lock this can result in merge conflicts.

The easiest way to resolve them is:

git checkout --theirs poetry.lock
poetry lock --no-update

Try to avoid running poetry update on feature branches.


We apply the following code branch naming convention.

  • main: main development branch should be as stable as possible
  • f/*: feature branches, development branches (will be squash merged after review, and successful passing of merge request pipeline)
  • fix/* bug fix branches, branches containing little self contained bug fixes for existing features (feel free to merge without code review, if you can reasonably assume that they are not breaking anything that is not already broken)
  • pub/*: publication branches, branches containing the version corresponding to a specific, full branch name should contain abbreviation of publication and publication year.

Publication branches and main branch are automatically mirrored to the public github repository: